Make more calls profitable with Teligent VoIPZone
Teligent’s VoIPZone® Enables Operators to Integrate VoIP and Mobile Data Calls into Billable Service Plans
New network solution makes all subscriber calls billable; enables operators to regain revenues lost to Skype and VoIP services over fixed-price data plans networks
1 November 2011 - Teligent, a leading provider of intelligent network, call completion, IVR and charging services to global telcos and operators, has announced a new Telco network solution that allows carriers, MNOs and MVNOs to integrate mobile data and VoIP calls into their service offerings. This allows for new attractive and innovative service plans that take advantage of the open Internet VoIP calling to generate new revenues as well as an alternative to the loss of call revenues to VoIP services such as Skype and Viber.
With Teligent’s new VoIPZone concept, operators can fully integrate VoIP-based calls and SMS / MMS messaging made over WiFi Internet or 3G data services with their traditional mobile and fixed-line telephony services. This allows all types of call (both outgoing and incoming) as well as pre-paid and post paid to be billed, enabling operators to offer new services and to capture revenue that would otherwise be lost. Subscribers who typically avoided the traditionally-high charges of long distance roaming over international voice networks by simply not making calls to home will find that the VoIPZone concept now makes these scenarios both affordable and attractive.
VoIPZone aims to offer an end-to-end solution comprising Teligent’s Telco grade network application gateway and VoIPZone smartphone apps. The apps would be branded by operators if desired and downloaded by subscribers from an app store and eco-systems to Apple and major Android smartphones. The solution therefore enables subscribers to make any type of call – Fixed Line, GSM or VoIP – from their normal mobile number (or landline number if offered by a fixed line operator) to any other landline or mobile number.
Operators can introduce new services and fully control subscribers’ call plans on VoIPZone, and price VoIP calls competitively against existing services such as Skype or Viber. Subscribers benefit because they continue to use their existing number, with no need to set up a new account or caller ID; they can also communicate with any normal mobile or landline, not just other service users.
According to Einar Lindquist, Teligent’s CEO, VoIPZone provides operators, MVNOs and carriers with two key opportunities. “The explosion in smartphone sales in the past four years has meant growing use of ‘over-the-top’ VoIP services that exploit data connections and erode voice revenues. VoIPZone lets operators develop services that can stop this erosion, and reverse the trend for operators to become just bit-pipes.
“What’s more, VoIPZone helps operators to develop innovative new services that are attractive to subscribers because of their low cost, simplicity and ease of use, helping to make services stickier and reducing churn. It’s a real win-win solution for operators and consumers.”With VoIPZone, operators may be able to deliver attractive rate plans and service packages to subscribers because of the integration of VoIP services within their networks.
Examples include:
- Special low-rate international calling plans via 3G internet and Wi-Fi zones to stimulate uptake and growth in international calls
- Corporate call plans, VPN and PBX user groups utilizing WiFi voice calling for enhanced quality and attractive rates
- Full service “all calls” special rate VoIP plans over national 3G networks and national and international 3G internet or WiFi zones
- National VoIP call plans to augment regular GSM calls
- Special low cost WiFi – Internet-to-Internet call-rate plans, using the subscriber’s regular mobile numbers for incoming and outgoing calls.
VoIPZone services initially target standard mobile terminals such as Apple and Android based smartphones, and can be applied to both post-paid and pre-paid subscribers.
The VoIPZone concept is based on the proven Teligent Telecom Transitional Gateway, based on the patented P90/E multi service core platform technology. It can serve a multitude of networks and services at fixed, mobile and IP based operators allowing them to discover the benefits of a truly convergent platform. It also enables operators to avoid the cost of replacing their existing, legacy service delivery platforms (SDPs) and billing systems, or changing their core networks.
Using its patented P90/E architecture for services, Teligent enables operators and carriers to host and deliver value-added solutions on mobile, fixed and IP networks. These solutions support customers’ individual communications and marketing needs, and include advanced call handling and completion, messaging, mass calling, and next-generation IN services.
Notes to editors: Informa’s Global Mobile Forecast 2010 found that global mobile data and non-voice revenues were $253bn – representing over 25% of total mobile service revenues.
The Yankee Group stated that the number of active Smartphones worldwide grew by about 40% in 2010, from 429 million to 598 million. Analyst Nielsen reported that at the current adoption rate, smartphones are set to overtake feature-phones in the US by the end of 2011.
Read more about VoIPZone here
Press contacts: Craig Coward, Context PR, +44 1625 511966 / craig.coward[at]
Nikolas Georgii, Marketing director, Teligent Telecom, +46 733 117020 / nikolas.georgii[at]
Information: For more information, please mail: info[at]
About Teligent Telecom
Teligent Telecom is a leading innovative provider of value-added intelligent network, call completion and VoIP services. Using its patented P90/E, a true single platform, Teligent enables operators and carriers to host and deliver value-added solutions on mobile, fixed and IP networks that grow revenues and retain subscribers. Teligent’s technology has been deployed in various configurations since 1989 by leading operators worldwide including BT, SingTel, SMART/PLDT, Telenor, TeliaSonera, Maroc Telecom, Verizon, Vodafone and Telekom Malaysia. Teligent Telecom AB has offices in Sweden (HQ), UK, Germany, USA, Morocco, Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia.
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